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Nate Silver – leftist pollster said 70% chance Ossoff win

Yea, the media lost their shit last night when carpetbagger Ossoff got his ass handed to him by Karen Handel. The race wasn’t even close, unlike what the hack media and hack leftist pollsters predicted. “Pollster” Nate Silver, a left wing crank who is highly cited by the left claimed that Jon Ossoff had a 70% chance of winning the Georgia special election last night. That got largely ignored after it became apparent that Karen Handel not only won, but beat carpetbagger Ossoff rather easily.

Nate Silver – leftist pollster said 70% chance Ossoff won
Nate Silver - leftist pollster said 70% chance Ossoff won

This was roughly the same percentage breakdown Silver gave for Hillary Clinton winning the election in November which never happened. Darn those Russkies! Nate Silver is a hack, a left wing hack, so his reputation which should suffer, wouldn’t.

Silver should correct himself. Math isn’t dead and data isn’t broken. That’s the Democrat party in the 21st century. Thank you Nancy Pelosi, CNN and hack pollster like Nate Silver for making this all possible!