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Oh well. Muslim apologist New York Democrat Elliot Engel gets stones thrown at Mount of Olives cemetery by peace loving Palestinians

democrat-logoI suppose I should be outraged. Marxist New York Democratic Congressmen Elliot Engel and Gerald Nadler were visiting the ancient Mount of Olives Cemetery in Israel, when more of that peace and love from Muslim Palestinians broke out. According to Gateway Pundit, stones were tossed at Marxists Engel and Nadler, as well as executive Vice Chairman of the Conference of Presidents Malcolm Hoenlein. Normally, I’d be outraged. How dare these animals throw stones at our elected officials. But as we’ve been told from Marxist like Engel, Nadler, and especially Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama, it’s all fine. We are the ones to blame for all the Arab world’s anger.

Somehow i’m sure this will be spun as either America’s fault, or the Jews in Israel’s fault for Palestinians tossing stones at American elected officials. It was so bad that A large almost “baseball-sized” rock was thrown by the angry Muslims nearly hitting Nadler in the head. I guess the Palestinians’ aim isn’t that good.