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Obama regime asking for another $111 billion to fund ObamaCARE

ObamaCare-health-insuranceYou mean ObamaCARE really didn’t cost $787 billion dollars? Oh that’s right. The cost was “adjusted” upward to $858 billion after it passed. Wait, you mean to tell me that wasn’t the actual cost? ObamaCARE needs another $111 billion to be implemented for a total cost of $969 billion? The hell you say! Don’t worry, the lame stream media wouldn’t bother covering this, but according to The Hill, the Obama regime’s budget asked for an extra $111 billion this year to help fund ObamaCARE.

The administration’s budget request this year included $111 billion more for subsidies than its request last year. The difference falls across the same seven-year window.

“This staggering increase in health insurance exchange subsidy spending cannot be explained by legislative changes or new economic assumptions, and therefore must reflect substantial changes in underlying assumptions regarding the program’s utilization and cost,” Camp wrote Friday in a letter to Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner.