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Obama at $38,500 per head fundraiser – ObamaCARE is the defining issue of our times

ObamaCare-health-insuranceObama headed down to Texas. To Minute Made Park (formerly Enron Field) for a fundraiser hosted by  some billionaire, or a “1%er” for yet another $38,500 per person. During the fundraiser, Obama proclaimed that ObamaCARE is the defining issue of our times. I actually tend to agree with the Marxist, as it is the defining issue of our times, and must be repealed. According to the ABC Obama mouth piece who covered this fundraiser, Obama also bragged about how ObamaCARE covers birth control. You know, birth control is apparently a “right” granted by far left progressives, even though you can get it for $9 per month at Target.

“This is not just a political debate. This is the defining issue of our times,” Obama said later of the ideological debate with Republicans over issues like health care. “A make or break moment.”