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Loony Ohio Marxist Democrat Sherrod Brown calls congress niggardly on spending (Video)

democrat-logoSherrod Brown is one of the biggest loons there are in the Senate. He’s a Marxist Democrat from Ohio who is up for reelection this year. Appearing on MSNBC Dylan RATIgan’s show, Sherrod Brown referred to Congress as “niggardly” when it comes to spending. Watch the following video and notice the emphasis Brown puts on one part of the adjective.

Of course the definition is niggardly is cheap or stingy. But i find it rather odd a Marxist Democrat like Brown couldn’t just say stingy or cheap. Does he think he’s so educated using a big word like niggardly? Of course if any Republican senator made the exact same claim, the media would be in meltdown mode and the NAACP would be organizing protests outside of Capitol Hill. You know, it would have been one of those “code words” or “dog whistles” that Marxist Democrats like Brown always accuse Republicans of using because they are racists or something.