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Mitt Romney spokesman Rick Gorka tells pink slime media to shove-it and kiss his ass! (Video)

cbs-nbc-abc-obama-logosWay to go Rick Gorka! It’s about time that Republicans and Team Romney tell these pink slime Obama cheerleaders to shove it. The cackling media hags screamed at Romney “Do you feel your ‘gaffes’ have overshadowed your foreign trip?” I’m sorry. What gaffes? By telling the truth to the snotty Brits that he didn’t know if they were ready to handle to 2012 Olympics? With half empty arenas cops losing keys to Wembley stadium, Romney was right. Of course snotty Brits and American leftists don’t like hearing the truth. Oh and the other so called ‘gaffe’ the pink slime media is whining about is when Romney declared Jerusalem to be the Capital of Israel and that Israeli culture of success. The poor widdle Palestinians (along with the pink slime media here) whined and threw tantrums like babies. So as you watch the following video and hear the screeching hag yell questions about Romney’s ‘gaffes’ and a Romney spokesman Rick Gorka telling her/other reports that this is Polish Holy Land, show respect, and shove it ask yourself this question. Who was being disrespectful here.

The only ‘gaffe’ may be the fact that the spokesman who told the pink slime media idiots to shove it later called to apologize. As Andrew Breitbart once said, apologize for what?