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Muffingate! New York Times whining about how Mitt Romney eats muffins – says it will offend Asians

mitt-romney-paul-ryan-2012-logoAlthough the New York Times jumped the shark decades ago, can we just call it official now? Yes, the New York Times is now bashing Mitt Romney for the way he eats muffins. In fact, it’s so bad the way Mitt Romney eats muffins, that it will offend Asians or something. Someone who is named Marie Myung-Ok Lee teaches writing at Columbia and wrote this article about how evil Mitt Romney is for the way he is eating muffins. This is what passes as a professor at a ‘prestigious’ college these days. Between loons like Lee, and union thug school teachers, is it really any wonder American children are falling behind the rest of the world in math and science? I mean MUFFINS! They are offending! Oy Vey.\

And what does this New York Times writer say is so offending to her and ‘other Asians?’ It’s because Mitt Romney only eats the TOP of a muffin! OMFG! You evil rich Mormon! How dare you!