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Secret Service still refuses to arrest New York Democrat who issued a death threat to Mitt Romney during DNC convention

democrat-logoDeath threats are a serious matter, no matter if they are directed at Mitt Romney or Obama. Rightfully, the Secret Service is quick to arrest any idiot who issues a death threat towards Obama. Yet when it comes to Mitt Romney and his family, it’s apparently not a big enough deal for the Secret Service to bother with. During the DNC convention last week, a Democrat delegate delcared on video that if she saw Mitt Romney she would ‘like to kill him.’ It’s on video and everything, yet the Secret Service just ‘looked into this’ and did nothing beyond that.

You also have various leftists on Twitter threatening to kill Mitt Romney or even his wife Ann Romney. Have you heard about anything the Secret Service is doing about this? Of course not! Have you heard any reports in the pink slime media about these death threats? Uh…