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OMG – NOW’s ‘Young Feminists’ blames anti-abortion people for violence in Egypt

democrat-logoI’m still trying to actually believe what I read at NOW’s ‘Young Feminists’ blog. Apparently, if you are anti-abortion (or as they call it anti-choice’) you are some how linked to the violence in Egypt. I mean seriously, NOW is defending a bunch of batsh*t crazy Muslims and bashing those who are pro-choice? Are they that dumb to realize that Muslims stone women to death if they are accused of having an affair with another man? Do they not realize that Muslims force women to cover most of their body in order not to offend other Muslims? This particular bloggers blames someone who supposedly ‘worked on the film’ who was a Marine, and protests outside abortion clinics, Mormon churches and Mosques. If this guy protested outside of Mormon Temple’s you’d think they’d be cheering him on!

Do they same leftist whackjobs not realize that Muslims don’t allow women to drive in certain countries, because well, because they are women?