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RINO John McCain praises Hillary Clinton’s Muslim pandering speech, gets angry with Sean Hannity (and gets cut off) [Video]

john-mccain-rinoYou know, the more I think about the 2008 election, the more I realize how f*cked we were no matter what. Obama has been a complete and unmitigated disaster. After the last few days of violent Muslim attacks, Hillary Clinton has proven she should have been as equally as bad as Obama. And then there’s the worthless old RINO John McCain. Had he actually of won in 2008, there would be no such things as ObamaCARE. However, I’m willing to bet he would have been as bad as Obama with the economy, and we’d would have been arming Syrian Muslims so they can attack us with our weapons. Today, Hillary Clinton made a disgusting, Muslim pandering speech praising Islam as a ‘great’ religion while bashing the makers of the so called ‘anti-Islam’ film. Later, McCain went on the Sean Hannity show and defended the Muslim Brotherhood. Hannity actually called him out on this, and McCain became very angry. Eventually, Hannity cut off McCain and Fox went to a commercial break. Here is McCain’s tweet praising Hillary Clinton’s Muslim praising speech: