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Obama/Hillary Clinton’s State Department tells media to go to hell – won’t answer any more questions Sep 11 attacks

hillary-clinton-mouthNo much how much the media will lick Obama and Hillary Clinton’s backside, the more the arrogance of the regime will shun them. Unless of course it’s some hip-hop radio station. Obama and Hillary Clinton’s State Department basically told the media to go to hell and they wouldn’t answer any more questions on the terrorist attacks on our embassies and consulates.

The State Department told reporters Friday afternoon that it won’t answer any more questions about the Sept. 11 attack on the consulate in Benghazi that killed four Americans until the investigation into the incident is complete.

“I’m going to frustrate all of you, infinitely, by telling you that now that we have an open FBI investigation on the death of these four Americans, we are not going to be in a position to talk at all about what the U.S. government may or may not be learning about how any of this this happened — not who they were, not how it happened, not what happened to Ambassador Stevens, not any of it — until the Justice Department is ready to talk about the investigation that’s its got,” State Department spokeswoman Victorian Nuland told reporters late Friday afternoon.

“So I’m going to send to the FBI for those kinds of questions and they’re probably not going to talk to you about it,” she said.