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Libyan Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur Benghazi attack not spontaneous thing but please don’t punish the terrorists! (Video)

ksmjk0No matter how much the Obama regime and his corrupt lap dogs in the media continue to try and blame the obscure ‘anti-Mohammed’ film. You even have Obama’s lackys at CNN taking Ambassador Steven’s personal journal and despite what Stevens said in that journal, CNN still bullsh*t about how that video is the cause of all the Muslim violence and killings.Even the Libyan Prime Minister Mustafa Abushagur again told CNN that the Benghazi attack was “not a spontaneous thing,” Again, completely discrediting the propaganda media. But the Libyan PM also said something else. He is opposed a U.S. military strike against the terrorists and whines that the it would “would really throw this country in chaos.” Well boo f*cking hoo. Mustafa Abushagur doesn’t have to worry though. With the leader from behind in the White House, nothing will happen to Libya, except maybe for more apologies.

“So far, we have detained about eight people who have been part of the attack on that night,” Abushagur told CNN Senior International Correspondent Arwa Damon. “And we have identified some of the leaders who right now we’re pursuing.”