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MSNBC token Republican Joe Scarborough declares ‘I’m a small government conservative’ – destroyed by Bay Buchanan (Video)

joe-scarboroughKeep calm, carry water for Obama! Yea. MSNBC token Republican Joe Scarborough is so much a ‘small goverment conservative’ he routinely shills for Obama on MSNBC as their lone token Republican. Bay Buchanan wasn’t having any of Scarborough’s BS. On Meet the Press they like to parade the faux conservatives like Scarborough and David Brooks, calling them hard core, right wing conservatives. We know both Scarborough and Brooks carry the water for the Obama regime on these shows pretending to be conservatives. Scarborough, as obnoxious as ever kept interrupting Bay Buchanan on the Meet the Press panel today, and she fired back at Scarborough and the rest of the phony conservatives.

Way to go Bay!