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Obama’s sequestration will cut nearly $900 million from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

obama-loony-toonsDespite Obama’s lies about sequestration not being his idea (which it was), he can’t escape the fact that because of his sequestration, it will cut $900 million from FEMA if nothing is done about the fiscal cliff. It’s not like Obama cares. He can just lie about it and let his lapdog state run media repeat his lies. But the bottom line is, if Barack Hussein Obama gets his way, nearly a billion will be cut from FEMA. That should make you people on the east coast even more motivated to vote for Obama.

Obama’s proposed cuts to FEMA include the following (emphasis added):
Flood Hazard Mapping and Risk Analysis Program – $8 million
State and Local Emergency Programs (non-defense) – $183 million
State and Local Emergency Programs (defense) – $5 million
United States Fire Administration and Training – $4 million
Salaries and Expenses (non-defense) – $75 million
Salaries and Expenses (defense) – $7 million
Disaster Relief – $580 million
Emergency Food and Shelter – $10 million
Radiological Emergency Preparedness Program – $3 million
National Pre-disaster Mitigation Fund – $3 million
These cuts likely underestimate the total cuts proposed to disaster relief functions, since the U.S. armed forces–subject to separate cuts in Obama’s sequester proposals–frequently provide support to FEMA operations, as well as essential search and rescue services.
The White House sequestration proposal also warns: “The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s ability to respond to incidents of terrorism and other catastrophic events would be undermined.”