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Marco Rubio to introduce bill to delay ObamaCARE individual mandate

marco-rubio-drinking-waterI think it’s funny when Marco Rubio still tries to play conservative. Rubio’s mask slipped off during his amnesty push with Chuck Schumer, Dick Durbin, Bob Menendez and Michael Bennet. Rubio recently endorsed RINO Mitch McConnell who got his Kentucky Kickback as a part of ObamaCAVE. Now Rubio plans to introduce a bill that will delay the ObamaCARE individual mandate until the Government Accountability Office (GAO) has certified that has been up and running and effectively working for six months consecutive.

So the law I’m going to introduce basically delays that requirement until the [Government Accountability] Office has certified that it’s been up and running and effectively working for six months consecutive,” Rubio added. “I think that’s a prudent approach given the problems that it’s facing by the White House’s own admission.”
Rubio also hit the Obama administration for a lack of transparency on Obamacare, saying the White House is withholding information so people won’t see the “ugly things” of the law.
“I think what they’re worried about is increased criticism of the law if they open it up and show people all the ugly things going on in the implementation,” Rubio said.
The Florida senator said there has been no effort to provide details about efforts to fix the site.

Sorry Marco, non of us are fooled with your sudden appearance as to being a conservative. Your ship sailed a long time ago.