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At least 500,000 Californians to lose health policies in 2014 because of ObamaCARE

bxjyupociaavoroA minimum of 500,000 in California are excepted to lose their health care coverage next year. There is one big reason why, can you guess? It’s all because of ObamaCARE. So far to date, about 750,000 around the country have already lost their health insurance coverage because of ObamaCARE. Half a million more starting in 2014 in California will send that number sky rocketing. People losing their health care coverage and being forced on to ObamaCARE or Medicaid was the extremist progressive liberal Democrats plan from the start. 160,000 in California alone have already been dropped from their currently health care plan this year. Next year, it’s going to get even more bloody. Keep voting Democrat Californians! You get the government you deserve.

Remember when Obama repeatedly said if you like your health care plan, you can keep it? Someone needs a Joe Wilson moment and yell at Obama ‘YOU LIE!’ Funny, that even now when Obama or Sebelius campaigns for ObamaCARE, you don’t hear that schitck about keeping your health care plan if you like it anymore.