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16 million Americans may be dumped from their health policies because of ObamaCARE

bxjyupociaavoroHundreds of thousands in American have already lost their current health care plans because of ObamaCARE. That may seem like a lot, but you haven’t seen nothing yet. When all is said and done, there may be a total of 16 million Americans dumped off their currently health care plans, all because of ObamaCARE. Never forget Obama’s bald-faced lies:

16 million Americans may be dumped from their health policies because of ObamaCARE

Well, ‘some‘ people will be able to keep their health care plans if they like. Just not 16 million Americans.

So far the part of the Obamacare rollout that is going most smoothly and affecting the most people is the cancellation of current insurance polices. In states around the country, hundreds of thousands of people are getting notices from insurers that their plans are no longer allowed by the law. All told, 16 million people may be dumped from their policies, in flagrant contradiction of President Obama’s famous promise that you can keep your health plan if you like it.

Maybe the president didn’t understand the basic architecture of his own health care law, which depends on a government takeover of the individual insurance market. The rules governing the new system impose a novel federal definition of insurance on the country, and plans that don’t meet it, regardless of how well they may have served their customers in the past, are, by and large, verboten. Some are grandfathered, but the rules are strict and a great many existing plans won’t pass muster.