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Ezekiel Emanual squirms, lies in interview with Chris Wallace

ezekiel-emanuelEzekiel Emanual, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanual’s slimy brother tried the best he could to spin ObamaCARE and why people are losing their insurance policies that Obama and Democrats promised wouldn’t happened to Chris Wallace. You see, according to Ezekiel Emanual, the people losing their plans is all the insurance companies fault. It has nothing to do with the ObamaCARE regulations that were written in 2010 which explicitly sited it expected 93 million people could lose their health care when the individual mandate goes into effect. When Ezekiel Emanual squirm with Chris Wallace. He is just as obnoxious as his brother Rahm:

Ezekiel Emanual squirms, lies in interview with Chris Wallace

Ezekiel Emanual tried to turn the interfview into a shooting match with Chris Wallace and James Capretta. Alsp notice how how Ezekiel Emanual continually refers to ‘us’ when talkking about crafting the ObamaCARE ‘law.’ I never knew Ezekiel Emanual was elected in any capacity by the American people to help write laws. I must have missed that one.