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Just 106,185 enroll in Obamacare in October

obamacare-can-you-enroll-me-nowThe numbers are out. Just 106,185 enrolled in Obamacare in October according to the HHS. The way the Obama regime fudges the numbers, this includes abandoned shopping carts of people who never actually signed up and paid for ObamaCARE, just people who were comparing prices. They also didn’t release how many people enrolled in Medicaid which has seen a large increase since October 1st. ObamaCARE needs 7 million to sign up for ObamaCARE be March. At this rate, they wouldn’t even have a million. LOL! The Obama regime expected 500,000 signups in October.

This is beyond comical. Just remember, your tax dollars paid for this. And to all Americans who voted for Obama and lost their health care coverage because of ObamaCARE, it must suck to be you.