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Michigan Senate Seat No Longer Safe for Democrats in 2014

election2014Democrat Carl Levin is retiring and his Senate seat is open in 2014. Conventional wisdom would have this seat going to a Democrat since Michigan is so infested with the progressive liberal Democrat parasites. But thanks to ObamaCARE, the open Senate seat in Michigan for 2014’s mid-term election is now longer considered ‘safe’ for Marxist Democrats.

After more than three decades, Democratic Sen. Carl Levin announced that he would not seek re-election. Instead of competitive primaries filled with ambitious candidates, it looks like both parties have settled on their nominees for next fall. At this point, the general election looks like it will be between Democratic Rep. Gary Peters and Republican former Secretary of State Terri Lynn Land.

Early public polling shows a competitive race with both candidates lacking statewide name identification. A September EPIC-MRA poll showed Peters ahead, 38 percent to 37 percent. A mid-October automated survey from the Democratic Public Policy Polling firm had the congressman with a larger advantage, 43 percent to 36 percent. And a recent automated survey by the Revsix, a Republican firm, and Michigan Blueprint Strategies, a Democratic firm, for Inside Michigan Politics also had Peters leading a general election ballot test, 43 percent to 38 percent.