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Obama caves to Iran – ‘Historic’ nuclear deal reached

iranObama and John Kerry have officially caved to Iran. As the media tries to spin this ‘historic’ nuclear deal that will remove tough sanctions on Iran. This ‘historic agreement’ will also allow Iran to continue 5% uranium enrichment. Iran will have halt 20% uranium production for … six month. What a bargain! Richard Grenell says it best:

Iranian born Valerie Jarrett, who also worked behind the scenes to cut a deal with Iran must be smiling ear to ear.

This so called ‘historic’ deal with Iran on their nuclear program also gets the media to build up their love toy again. They will get off the ObamaCARE news, and prop up Barry Obama for such a ‘historic’ yet weak deal.

Israel better get ready to bomb Iran. There’s no stopping them now. Oh and Iran will get billions of American tax payer dollars for sanction ‘relief’ too.