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Why are Eric Holder, Susan Rice and Ben Rhodes going to Mandela’s funeral?

eric-holder1Ok, Obama, his wife, kids, mother in-law are all going to Mandela’s funeral. So are three other living presidents to honor the Communist/Terrorist Mandela. But why in the hell are Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, Benghazi liar Susan Rice and lily white Ben Rhodes to go too? Oh yea, I forgot, they aren’t paying for it, we are, so lets have a big party on the tax payers’ dime. We know why Valerie Jarrett is going. She’s the unelected POTUS who pulls Obama’s strings. He can’t go anywhere without her.

Obama couldn’t be bothered with attending Margaret Thatcher’s funeral, and neither could any of these other eggheads who are going to Mandela’s funeral.

President Barack Obama is bringing his family of aides and advisors down to South Africa for Nelson Mandela’s mass-media send-off.

“For us it’s the President and the First Lady, the Attorney General [Eric Holder], Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett,” Ben Rhodes, the White House’ deputy national security advisor for strategic communications, told reporters during an impromptu press conference on Air Force One.

Why doesn’t sequester affect junkets to South Africa to pay tribute to a Communist/Terrorist like Mandela?