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Scottie Nell Hughes BLASTS John McBoehner and Brad Blakeman

porky-karl-roveScottie Nell Hughes described John Boehner perfectly. He’s now John McBoehner because he is no different than Arizona Senator John McCain. During a debate on the O’Reilly factor last night, Karl Rove lackey Brad Blakeman tried to smear the tea party and those who want to fight ObamaCARE. Blakeman basically played the role of John McBoehner, or Karl Rove on the show, and got completely destroyed by TPNN’s Scottie Nell Hughes.

Scottie Nell Hughes BLASTS John McBoehner and Brad Blakeman

Brad Blakeman, who worked for Bush demonstrates exactly what is wrong with the Republican party. They fight harder against conservatives and the tea party than they do against Democrats. Compromise for them is giving in to whatever Democrats want in a budget deal, and claim it’s bipartisan.