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Roberto Schmidt Obama selfie photographer ashamed of mankind

Roberto Schmidt of the French Press Agency is the man who captured the Barack Obama/Helle Thorning-Schmidt/David Cameron ‘selfie.’ Barack Obama has been the laughingstock of the world ever since that ‘selfie’ was captured by Roberto Schmidt at the Mandela memorial in South Africa. That picture alone was comical, but Michelle Obama’s nasty look was even more hilarious. Now poor Roberto Schmidt is ‘ashamed of mankind’ because so many people have taken interest in the selfie that he snapped.

Roberto Schmidt Obama selfie photographer ashamed of mankind
Roberto Schmidt Obama selfie photographer ashamed of mankind

Right now, the White House press corps is in a shouting match with the Obama Administration over the White House’s refusal to allow media photographers to take pictures of various presidential events. While the left-leaning journalists are tossing around words like “propaganda” to describe the official photos which are being released, the recent trip President Obama took to South Africa for the funeral of Nelson Mandela illustrates that the media elite really isn’t interested in news so much as it is in preserving its institutional power.

Perhaps the most-discussed news item out of the Mandela funeral trip was a picture that was taken of Obama, British prime minister David Cameron, and Danish prime minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt taking a “selfie” — a self-portrait usually shot with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone — a moment that was caught by Roberto Schmidt, a photographer for the French Press Agency. Now, Schmidt says that the overwhelming interest in the shot makes him “ashamed of mankind.”

Maybe John Boehner can provide Mr. Schmidt with one of his Kleenexes or something. boo hoo sniff.