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Where is GLAAD? CDC: Anal sex is the highest-risk sexual behavior

phil_robertsonQuick! Someone call GLAAD And the gaystapo! Anal sex between two men is the highest-risk sexual behavior! Damn those rednecks at Obama’s Centers for Disease control! Who do they think they are for basically saying the same thing Phil Robertson said to GQ?

This quote comes directly from Obama’s CDC site about anal sex:

Yes. In fact, having anal sex without using a condom is the riskiest type of sex for getting or spreading HIV. During anal sex, it’s possible for either partner—the insertive (top) or the receptive (bottom)—to get HIV.

They have to be anti-gay for such horrible things abut gay male sex! In fact, the CDC went even farther:

“Gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) represent approximately 2% of the United States population, yet they are the population most severely affected by HIV,” says the CDC. “Most HIV infections in men are transmitted through sexual contact, especially anal sex.”

Kind of ironic isn’t it that the two men having sex is deemed MSM (like Main Stream Media?)