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Obama fudging the numbers again: only 74,000 jobs added, unemployment magically drops to 6.7%

obama-loony-toonsIt’s good to be King Hussein Obama. You can have the slowest monthly job growth rate in December (just 74,000) in three years, yet somehow drop the unemployment rate 0.3% to 6.7% from 7.0%. All you have to do is claim a certain amount of people left the workforce (in December no less) and drop the unemployment rate. The math just doesn’t add up. 525,000 dropped out of the labor force in December, despite Christmas and Hanukkah. Dropping this many people from the work force doesn’t jive with dropping the unemployment drop from 7% to 6.7% while only adding 74,000. Leftist ADP estimated there were 238,000 jobs added in December. The jokes on them again. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama continues to waste millions of tax payer dollars in Hawaii partying with Oprah blimp.

Private-sector employment increased by 238,000 from November to December, on a seasonally adjusted basis.
Small businesses (1-49 employees) +108,000
Medium businesses (50-499 employees) +59,000
Large businesses (500 or more employees) +71,000
“The U.S. private sector added 238,000 jobs in December, surpassing November as the strongest month for job growth in 2013. It’s encouraging news that hopefully bodes well for 2014.”
– Carlos Rodriguez, president and chief executive officer of ADP

Good call there Carlos.