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New York Times leftist Bill Keller criticizes Lisa Bonchek Adams blogging about her health issues

newyorktimes-logoBill Keller of the New York Times and his wife Emma Keller of the Guardian are real pieces of work. The tag team wife and husband wrote op-eds whining about Lisa Bonchek Adams. She is a cancer patient who blogs about her cancer. The Keller family didn’t approve of Lisa Bonchek Adams blogging about her cancer issues. Bill Keller wrote this in the New York Time wrote that Adams’ cancer blogging may give “false hope” to other cancer sufferers.

Her digital presence is no doubt a comfort to many of her followers. On the other hand, as cancer experts I consulted pointed out, Adams is the standard-bearer for an approach to cancer that honors the warrior, that may raise false hopes, and that, implicitly, seems to peg patients like my father-in-law as failures.

Such class. Emma Keller, who wrote a similar piece for the Guardian has seen her article yanked down for ‘review’ by that paper. Emma Keller’s title for her article was ‘Forget funeral selfies. What are the ethics of tweeting a terminal illness?’ So basically, the female Keller is comparing a cancer blogger with Obama taking selfies at the Mandela funeral. Really nice.

Lisa Bonchek Adams’ blog can be read here.

Be sure to contact Bill Keller and Emma Keller on Twitter and let them know what you think about their disgusting smear articles on Ms. Adams’.