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ObamaCARE gender gap: 54 percent of signups are female 46 percent male.

So not only is ObamaCARE failing to sign up the young and health, but it’s failing to sign up men as well. So far the gender gap of signups in ObamaCARE is 8 points. 54% of ObamaCARE signups are women, 46% of signups are men. I guess the materinity coverage and free abortion on demand isn’t too appealing to most males in this country.

Also, in that important 18-34 age group demographic, so far only 24% have signed up for ObamaCARE. The target was 38%.

18-34 age group demographic, so far only 24% have signed up for ObamaCARE. The target was 38%.
18-34 age group demographic, so far only 24% have signed up for ObamaCARE. The target was 38%.

As of January 9th, the Department of HHS reports just 2.058 million have signed up for ObamaCARE. They need 7 million to meet targets by the end of March. HHS isn’t exactly on pace.

The biggest group to sign up? Those aged 55-64. heheh.