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Richards Simmons Dance-Off to support ObamaCARE (Video)

doc-obama-this-is-gonna-hurtMove over Pajama Boy, Obama is now wasting your tax dollars on a Richard Simmons ‘dance-off’ and video to try and pimp ObamaCARE. Want to see what your tax dollars are paying for now (that 17 Senate Republicans voted to fund yesterday with the omnibus spending bill?). Watch and cringe:

Richards Simmons Dance-Off to support ObamaCARE (Video)

I didn’t even know Richard Simmons was still around, now the Obama regime digs up this fossil to sell ObamaCARE? Yea, I’m sure this will really get people flocking the sign up for ObamaCARE. Because you know, Richard Simmons is so popular and all. I wonder how much this video cost us in tax dollars? Not like the media will ever investigate to find out. Bridgegate is far more important.