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Is Joe Scarborough pocketing money he’s required to donate?

mika-brzezinski-nbc-hagJoe Scarborough speechgate at MSNBC? It could be. Believe it or not, some actually pay MSNBC’s token RINO to give speeches. Why anyone would pay Joe Scarborough a dime is beyond me. According to the Daily Caller, there are reports that any money that Scarborough makes outside of the NBA cabal is supposed to be donated to charity. But Joe Scarborough is your typical progressive, and not very big on charity. Daily Caller reports that instead of donating parts of the speech income to charity, he’s just pocketing it for himself. Believe it or not, some stupid idiots actually pay this schmuck up to $50,000 per speech!

It’s Day 6 of MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough Speechgate and things are berserk inside the network. A well-placed source tells The Daily Caller‘s Mirror blog that panic is spreading through the offices of MSNBC over recent reports that Scarborough may be pocketing the money he receives from for-profit businesses for high-priced speeches. According to network rules, he’s supposed to be donating at least some of the dough to charity. In many cases, Scarborough earns upwards of $50,000 per speech.

Does Joe Scarborough think he’s above corporate rules that are in place to ensure viewers that there are no major conflicts of interest going on? What are they going to say about him now? MSNBC suits are already angry about how many days of “Morning Joe” the host has missed to deliver these high-paid speeches. If he gave the money to charity, which ones and how much did he donate? Is there evidence, a tax return? Let’s see them already – what’s the holdup?

Scarborough is upset, so much so that when the story first surfaced on Monday, he called in sick to work. According to well-placed sources, the network is taking the matter very seriously. So where is MSNBC’s response? More importantly, where is the response of Comcast, MSNBC’s corporate parent, to conflict of interest charges?