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Keystone Pipeline XL is real economic stimulus

obama_evil_eyeLeftists hate the Keystone Pipeline XL. Obama is trying to run out the clock where he doesn’t have to approve it in order to not only help the econony, but lessen this country dependence on Muslim oil. Jeff Dunetz of Yid with Lid explains why the Keystone Pipeline XL is real economic stimulus.

Last week the State Department released a report which said in part that the construction of the pipeline would create 42,100 jobs, and that it would not significantly increase greenhouse gas emissions.

Now if you remember the Super Bowl Sunday Bill O’ Reilly interview with the president, he corrected that 42K figure saying that employment level will only be during the few years the pipeline was being built and afterwards there would only about 50 permanent employees.

Actually that was one of the few answers that Obama gave which was correct. However this is the same President who keeps on saying we should extend unemployment insurance for 13 weeks because it would be a stimulus to the economy. Those people who get the unemployment will spend their money in stores etc, giving those people extra income, ant they will spent their extra income and so on….