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Adriana Ferreyr clocked George Soros in the head

george-sorosAdriana Ferreyr is a 30 year old Brazilian actress who is the ex-girlfriend of 83 year old left wing billionaire George Soros. Seems things got a little heated during a deposition. Reports say that Adriana Ferreyr got so angry at one point that she clocked the old, crusty George Soros in the head, and even knocked the glasses off of Soros’ California lawyer Martin Singer.

Adriana Ferreyr also ‘allegedly’ yelled ASSHOLE! ASSHOLE! at Soros in the hallway on the way to the restroom. Ferreyr also already called George Soro a ‘A piece of shit.’

She wouldn’t get any argument out of me. Soros is a piece of shit. I hope she takes him for all he’s got.