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Bloomberg gun confiscation plan leaked

nanny-bloomberg-nazi-hitlerLittle fascist Michael Bloomberg’s gun confiscation plan has been leaked to the public. The backlash of this gun confiscation plan from Bloomberg has forced 50 hypocritical Mayors who were part of Bloomberg’s ‘Mayors Against Illegal Gun’ group to bail and quit.

Nearly 50 mayors have jumped ship on former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s “Mayors Against Illegal Guns” campaign over allegations that the group’s ultimate goal is outright gun confiscation, according to one former member.

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group hits snag with truth-telling mayor.

Former NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s gun control group hits snag with truth-telling mayor.
As reported, Poughkeepsie Mayor John Tkazyik published a statement in last week’s Poughkeepsie Journal coming clean about the group’s true intentions, total disarmament of law-abiding gun owners.

“Under the guise of helping mayors facing a crime and drug epidemic, MAIG intended to promote confiscation of guns from law-abiding citizens,” Tkazyik said, confirming what many already suspected about the group.

“Nearly 50 pro-Second Amendment mayors have left the organization. They left for the same reason I did,” he also added.

The fact that 50 mayors bailed in response to a concerted effort to undermine the Bill of Rights is certainly headline-worthy, but so far, unsurprisingly, few other media outlets have picked the story up.