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Massachusetts Obamacare exchange granted federal extension

obamacare-its-to-die-forObama and the Marxist Democrats like to claim that RomneyCare in Massachusetts is the model for ObamaCARE. Yet, the website is so badly broken in Massachusetts state exchange, that the Obama regime has given them a three month extension to get the exchange up and working. It’s so bad in fact that Jean Yang, the head of the Massachusetts Health Connector pulled a John Boehner and wept uncontrollably over it’s failures. Just another ObamaCARE sucess story.

Jean Yang, head of the flailing Massachusetts Health Connector, wept at a Thursday board meeting over her staff’s demoralizing struggle to prevent residents from losing coverage in the face of a broken website and mountain of paper applications to be processed, the Boston Globe reports.

The state had requested a six-month extension from the Affordable Care Act’s requirements. Massachusetts already had an exchange-based health care system similar to Obamacare.

Staff is working on a backlog of 50,000 paper applications, exchange officials announced at the board meeting, which Yang said would take two hours each to process.

The stress left Yang in tears at the board meeting as she described her staff’s malaise.

“These people came here to lead and innovate, and instead they’re doing manual workarounds, and they are embarrassed to tell friends and family that they work for the Health Connector,” Yang cried.