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Obama threatens Ukraine for ‘stepping over the line’

obama-faceDoes Obama recycle his threats to countries or something? Obama drew his ‘red line’ on Syria which they crossed and he backed off like a coward. Now Obama is threatening the Ukrainian government about ‘stepping over the line.’ It’s time for Obama to come up with something new, or original for a change. This is why he is the laughing stock of the world. I’m sure the Ukrainian government is shaking in their boots over Obama’s ‘threat.’ Obama is currently busy in Mexico sucking up to them and telling them how the Republicans will cave and grant amnesty to millions of their citizens.

Just a couple of hours earlier on Wednesday, President Barack Obama had condemned the violence in Ukraine, saying that the U.S. holds the government “primarily responsible for ensuring they are handling protesters peacefully” and that “there will be consequences if people step over the line.”

“We expect the Ukrainian government to show restraint, to not resort to violence,” Obama said after arriving in Mexico for a brief trade summit. “We expect peaceful protesters to remain peaceful.”

And before that, Secretary of State John Kerry said U.S. sanctions against Ukraine are possible. The White House first threatened to impose sanctions against the Eastern European nation nearly two months ago.