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New Jersey Democrats to limit ammo magazines to 10 bullets

barrelofgunNew Jersey Democrats are looking to pass their own version of New York’s ‘SAFE Act’ and limit ammo magazines to 10 bullets. With fatboy Chris Christie on the ropes because of the faux scandal known as ‘BridgeGate’ they know they have him in a corner. Christie even before all his scandals was into gun control and cowering to Democrats so he could make the appearance of being a ‘moderate.’ As is typical for slimy progressive liberal Democrats, and the media enablers, they are using the Sandy Hook massacre as an excuse to pass this stupid law limiting ammo. This is another reason why important things never get done like balancing budgets, tax code reform and fighting crime. They are too busy on their high horses passing stupid laws that only harm the people and do nothing more than stroke their egos.

Here’s a test for Chris Christie if the legislation makes it to his desk vis a vis running for President as a Republican
Of course, since the areas these nuts tend to shoot up are gun free zones, having to take an extra 2-3 seconds here and there to reload shouldn’t bother them.
If no one needs more than 10 rounds for self defense, why do most police officers carry handguns which hold more than 10 rounds? Glock is the most popular, and most of the models for law enforcement hold 15 rounds or more.
If he signs it, he might as well not bother running. Furthermore, if Democrats in the GA pass this, they should make sure that all the security at the buildings they inhabit carry no more than 10 bullets per magazine. That would be only fair.