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Transparency! Obama and Weeper Boehner hold closed door meeting

crybaby-boehnerThe most transparent POTUS in American history Obama is holding a closed door meeting with the mentally unstable Speaker of the House John Boehner. Topics of discussion? My guess it’s amnesty, and Boehner’s plan to hold off until the lame duck session of Congress to ram it down America’s throats.

President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner will hold a closed-door meeting at 11:30 am at the White House Tuesday. A proposed immigration rewrite is high on the list of likely topics.

The news of the meeting was announced late Monday night by White House officials. But the press will be excluded. “This meeting is closed press,” according to the White House statement.

The speaker’s blog didn’t offer any information about the meeting.

The meeting is a risky move for Boehner because numerous polls show the proposed immigration increases are very unpopular among swing-voters and GOP-leaning voters. Those increases are popular among wealthy Americans, business executives, progressives and Wall Street donors.