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Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes Religious Rights Bill SB1062

Arizona Governor Jan Brewer has vetoed the so called ‘anti-gay’ Religious Rights Bill SB1062. While I agree with the concept of the bill, the fact of the matter is to me the bill is too broad and rushed through the state legislatures. It’s like an ObamaCARE bill for religious freedom. As usual, the leftist media made a big deal about SB1062 being so ‘anti-gay.’ I don’t know why if someone who refused to bake a cake for a couple for religious reasons that the couple simply couldn’t go to another baker. The fact of the matter is that the bill could have also been used by atheist loons to discriminate against Christians and Jews too.

I also don’t think this bill would have held up to the numerous court challenges it would face. The lower courts would obviously strike it down, and with John Roberts in the Supreme Court, the law would probably be dead there too.

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer vetoes Religious Rights Bill SB1062

Had Brewer signed the bill, the gaystapo and the media would have gone even more batshit crazy than they already were. The NFL, even threatened to pull next year’s Super Bowl out of Arizona.

Now that this stupid side-show is over, lets get back to exposing progressive liberals for who they really are. The mid-term election is this coming November. Lets pound Democrats into the ground and make them pay for their vote on ObamaCARE.