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Bob Corker blocking Venezuela sanctions bill

RINO filth Bob Corker is blocking a bill in the Senate for sanctioning human rights abusers in Venezuela. I wonder if Corker has some oil interests in Valero or something? Why could this piece of RINO trash be blocking a bi-partisan bill to sanction the socialist government? Or maybe Corker just doesn’t want to hurt his golf buddy Obama’s feelings, since both Maduro and Obama follow the same political ideology.

Bob Corker blocking Venezuela sanctions bill
Bob Corker blocking Venezuela sanctions bill

The bipartisan bill introduced in March by Sens. Bob Menendez (D., N.J.) and Marco Rubio (R., Fla.) would impose sanctions on those responsible for violently targeting Venezuela’s anti-government protesters who are seeking to depose Socialist President Nicolas Maduro.

The bill had been sent last month to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, where Menendez serves as chairman.

However, Corker is currently obstructing Menendez from adding the bill to the committee’s mark-up agenda, effectively delaying any action on it and preventing it from moving forward, according to Senate insiders familiar with the situation.

Rubio hinted that the bill was hitting delays during a recent interview on the Hugh Hewitt radio show.

Asked by Hewitt how the sanctions legislation is proceeding, Rubio responded, “We’ve kind of been tied up a little bit in the Foreign Relations Committee.”