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Atlanta Braves set the American flag on fire

First Hank Aaron race hustles, now the Atlanta Braves set an American flag on fire? WTF has become of Georgia and Atlanta? Maybe this will set a Chicago Cubs like curse on the franchise for their disgusting behavior. Ironically, this happened during the ceremonies celebrating the race hustler Hank Aaron. Really a shame. I had a ton of respect for Hank Aaron (even as a Dodgers fan), but that’s gone now.

Atlanta Braves set the American flag on fire

Maybe it was some nut job progressive liberals who are offended by Atlanta’s team name ‘Braves’ because it offends Native Americans or something.

Speaking of nut job progressives, here is a tweet from one og them celebrating the American flag getting set on fire in Atlanta:

The Mets suck so badly, they still lost to the not-so Braves.