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Kay Hagan-Democrats turnout plummets over 2008 primary

If you need yet antoher sign of the trouble Democrats are in, especially in North Carolina, lets take a look at the 2008 and this year’s primary election. In 2008, Elizabeth Dole was the Republican Senator from the state and little known Kay Hagan, who would eventually beat Dole was the unknown. In 2008, Hagan, with very low name recognition received over 800,000 votes in her primary. Democrats received a total of 1.3 million votes in the primary that year. This year, Kay Hagan couldn’t even get 80% of the Democrat vote and only got 369,331 total votes, compared to the 801,920 she got in 2008. Democrats as a whole had 1.3 million votes in the primary that year. This year, they didn’t even reach 500,000.

Kay Hagan-Democrats turnout plummets over 2008 primary
Kay Hagan-Democrats turnout plummets over 2008 primary