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Obama is always ‘madder than hell’ when scandals break VIDEO

Obama seem to be one angry man. In fact, anytime a scandal from his regime breaks in the news, his response is how ‘mad’ he is. Yet, nothing is done about the scandals, and the lapdogs in the media go with Obama like good little peasants ignoring the unresolved problems. One thing Obama never seems to be ‘mad as hell’ at is the fact Mexico and other countries are taking our people hostage. Spare us your faux outrage Barry. Actions speak louder than words.

Obama is always 'madder than hell' when scandals break VIDEO
Obama is always ‘madder than hell’ when scandals break VIDEO

Lets review. Obama is madder than hell at the VA scandal, Benghazi, the IRS illegally targetting conservatives, the NSA spying on Americans, Fast and Furious, his Secret Service problems, the failed ObamaCARE website, and the various scandals at the EPA. So what’s been done about these things that Obama is madder than hell at? Zero, zip, nada. Not a smidgen.