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L.A. Times Robin Abcarian says Mexico did us a favor arresting Marine Andrew Tahmooressi

Just how low will progressive liberal media hacks to go protect Obama? How about basically accusing the Marine held in Mexico Andrew Tahmooressi of being a psychopath and claiming Mexico did us a favor by arresting. Check this crap out from L.A. Times hack Robin Abcarian:

L.A. Times Robin Abcarian says Mexico did us a favor arresting Marine Andrew Tahmooressi
L.A. Times Robin Abcarian says Mexico did us a favor arresting Marine Andrew Tahmooressi

Then, the loony leftist Abcarian goes on to compare Tahmooressi to Eliot Rodger, the shooter in Santa Barbara:

How fervently do we wish that the Santa Barbara deputy sheriffs who checked up on Elliott Rodger after a call from his worried mother had tried to discern whether Rodger owned weapons, legal or not? How fervently do we fantasize that his grotesque rampage might never had occurred had only a deputy or two been more suspicious, more invasive, more hard-ass about whether the kid had weapons?