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Coward Republicans have the votes to impeach Obama but wouldn’t

As Obama continues to ignore the Constitution and violate American law, Republicans sit idly by, playing with themselves letting Obama get away with violating the law. Pennsylvania RINO Lou Barletta said on some radio show that there are enough votes in the House to impeach Obama. But Barletta is worried about the consequences, so Republicans wouldn’t do anything.

Coward Republicans have the votes to impeach Obama but wouldn't
Coward Republicans have the votes to impeach Obama but wouldn’t

President Barack Obama has acted so unlawfully that he ‘probably’ wouldn’t survive an impeachment vote in the House of Representatives, Republican Rep. Lou Barletta told a radio host on Monday.
‘He’s just absolutely ignoring the Constitution, and ignoring the laws and ignoring the checks and balances,’ the Pennsylvania lawmaker told News Radio 910 WSBA personality Gary Sutton yesterday.
‘The problem is, what do you do?’ Barletta continued. ‘For those that say impeach him for breaking the laws or bypassing the laws — could that pass in the House? It probably could.’

‘Is the majority of the American people in favor of impeaching the president? I’m not sure about that.’
‘I don’t think so,’ the Pennsylvania radio host can be heard telling Barletta in audio of their conversation captured by Buzzfeed’s Andrew Kaczyinski.
Barletta made the comments during a discussion on illegal immigration after Sutton argued that the president wasn’t ‘faithfully executing the laws of this country.’
‘Well we have a president that has taken this to a new level,’ Barletta said of Obama’s actions before explaining how he thinks impeachment proceeding would hypothetically play out in the House.