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6,700 ineligible ballots so far in Mississippi for Cochran

Either there is going to have be another election in Mississippi, McDaniel is going to have to run as a write-in candidate, or Thad Cochran will get away with ‘Al Frankening’ the Senate race. With Karl Rove and the Chamber of Commerce basically controlling the Republican party, don’t be surprised if Cochran is able to steal this election.

6,700 ineligible ballots so far in Mississippi for Cochran

To challenge the results, McDaniel’s campaign is trying to identify more illegitimate votes than Cochran’s 6,700-vote margin of victory. Election integrity groups like True the Vote and others are helping search the poll books at courthouses, and conservative leaders are pressuring the chairman of the Mississippi GOP to work with McDaniel to verify the election results.
The early counts of ballots that the McDaniel campaign considers problematic have come from reviewing voter rolls in about half of the precincts in Hinds County, someone familiar with the situation said.
Tea Party groups say they are enraged about how Cochran won the election and point to incendiary robocalls and mailers that suggested McDaniel and the Tea Party are racist, the underlying dynamic of utilizing Democratic votes to win a Republican primary, and potential violations of election rules.
Gregg Phillips, a longtime Mississippi GOP operative who was a top aide to former conservative GOP Gov. Kirk Fordice, told Breitbart News, “We watched them steal this election.”