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Anti-amnesty protests break out in Murrieta after fed sneaks illegals in during the dark of night

Clever. The Obama amnsty thugs snuck in two busloads of illegals past Murrieta in the dark of night while people were sleeping and not protesting. Buses arrived between 12am and 2am on July 4th shipping in disease ridden illegals. Now, protests are breaking out again in Murrieta against Obama’s illegal alien dumping. Here are some pictures from today’s protests:

Anti-amnesty protests break out in Murrieta after fed sneaks illegals in during the dark of night

So this is where we’ve come as a country. While celebrating the country’s birthday, we have to make sure the fed doesn’t sneak in any more diseased, illegals. Instead of BBQs and fireworks, we have to protect our sovereignty because the federal government is engaging in treason by flooding the country with illegals who have no right to be here. Welcome to Obama’s ‘fundamental transformation’ of America.

Thank you low information voters for helping aid and abet this treason.