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Oasis Cafe charges customers minimum wage fee after Minnesota hikes rate

Oasis Cafe in Stillwater Minnesota was added a ‘minimum wage fee’ to customer’s bill as Minnesota has hiked the minimum wage for burger flippers and other low skilled workers. The minimum wage will rise every year in Minnesota until 2018 when it will keep up with inflation. Customers at Oasis Cafe in Stillwater weren’t happy and vented on the Oasis Cafe’s Facebook page. Most of them are whiny progressive liberal Franken Democrats complaining about having to pay the extra 35 cents, while at the same time bashing the resturant for not wanting to pay their burger flippers a ‘living wage.’ Sorry Frankenites and Ventura idiot leftists, you can’t have it both ways. Maybe this was some sort of 9/11 conspiracy or something. Remember, Minnestoa is the land of Al Franken and Jesse Ventura, so…

Oasis Cafe charges customers minimum wage fee after Minnesota hikes rate
Oasis Cafe charges customers minimum wage fee after Minnesota hikes rate

The minimum wage free at Oasis just a preview of the future. When more states start hiking wages for low skilled burger flippers, you will likely see the same sort of charge on your bill. Ready for the minimum wage fee at a McDonald’s or Taco Bell? It’s coming people.

I really don’t blame the owners of Oasis Cafe for doing what they did. If they are forced to play burger flippers more money, you know they are going to pass on the extra costs to their customers. It’s just common sense.

People eating at a Stillwater restaurant Tuesday noticed a new fee added to their bill.
Owners of the Oasis Cafe are charging a 35 cent minimum wage fee. They say it’s to offset the cost of an increased minimum wage for tipped employees.
Customers have mixed reviews about the new fee.
For some, the thought of charging customers this fee sent them to social media to vent.