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Missouri Democrat Gov. Nixon helped police get military equipment

Missouri Democrat Governor who wants a ‘vigorous prosecution’ of officer Darren Wilson, despite no trial has also bemoaned the police in Ferguson using military style equipment to disperse thug protesters (most of whom are from outside of Ferguson). But who helped the police get this military equipment in the first place? It would be none other than corrupt Democrat Governor Jay Nixon himself. He’s a typical Democrat. Talks out of one side of his mouth while doing something completely different.

Missouri Democrat Gov. Nixon helped police get military equipment
Missouri Democrat Gov. Nixon helped police get military equipment

Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon, who yesterday said he was “thunderstruck” to learn how militarized police in Ferguson had become, signed off as recently as January on statewide participation in a Pentagon program providing local police departments with surplus equipment.

In authorizing Ferguson police and other local law enforcement agencies to apply for firearms and other equipment, Nixon also directed his administration to “conduct management and oversight of the program,” documents show.

Should Nixon, a Democrat elected in 2008 and re-elected in 2012, have been surprised? Participating jurisdictions, including agencies in St. Louis County, received weapons and equipment as early as 2010 and again in 2012, 2013 and this summer. Ferguson is a St. Louis suburb.