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Gaza Hamas kids cheer for rockets to hit America VIDEO

Forget for a minute all the Jew hating, anti-Israel idiots out there who cheer on Hamas in Gaza firing rockets at Israel. If you ask the Jew hating left, and some Paulian libertarins, it’s nothing more than a big ‘Zionist’ conspiracy. Ok, so you hate Israel and Jews. How about your own country? These seem ‘poor’ children that the left has made of a victim of are the same kids cheering on the rocket launching. They don’t want the rockets to hit Israel. They want to hit American instead. Hamas indoctrination done perfectly.

Gaza Hamas kids cheer for rockets to hit America VIDEO
Gaza Hamas kids cheer for rockets to hit America VIDEO

For Al Jazeera’s “America Tonight,” foreign correspondent Nick Schifrin reported during an older segment entitled “Israel invades Gaza” on July 17. “Palestinian fighters fire a barrage of rockets,” he noted, with two flying towards Tel Aviv. As the camera focused on children clapping and cheering, Schifrin translated, “They tell me they hope they land not on Israel, but in the United States.”

Schifrin explained how “Stopping those rockets is Israel’s main reason for this war.” The second reason for Israel, he said, is “to destroy tunnels that fighters use to sneak from Gaza into Israel.” “Both the rockets and the tunnels are located in the Shujayea neighborhood and this Sunday Israel took dead aim,” he continued.

Placing Gazans as the victims (as did the rest of the segment), Schifrin emphasized, “All night and all morning, the Israeli military bombarded Shujayea,” and described how, “More civilians died here in one night than in the previous three days of conflict.”