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Baltimore Ravens terminate Ray Rice’s contract – what about jail?

The cowardly NFL gave Ray Rice a two game suspension for knocking his girlfriend out in an elevator. The Baltimore Ravens did better today, completely terminating Rice’s contact and cutting him from the team. The NFL once again has egg on it’s face. So when does Ray Rice go to jail for assaulting his girlfriend (now wife) like he did in that elevator?

Baltimore Ravens terminate Ray Rice’s contract - what about jail?
Baltimore Ravens terminate Ray Rice’s contract – what about jail?

While it’s great to see that the Baltimore Ravens have cut this piece of excrement, they weren’t always so aggressive in their actions. Back in May, when this incident first occured, they tweeted this:

Ravens blame Janay Rice
Ravens blame Janay Rice

But hey liberal extremist Democrats. Stick the the important matters facing this country. Force the Washington Redskins to change their name because you find that offensive.